Chemotherapy and various cancer treatments are improving all the time. You cannot trust what you read on the Internet because advancements are not published broadly and instantaneously. With my Lymphoma the Internet had a treatment plan known as R-CHOP. R-CHOP is the abbreviation for five different chemotherapy drugs. Some of these I was familiar with due to my daughter’s successful treatment for leukemia fifteen years earlier. Some of the chemo that is part of R-CHOP were pretty rough so when I read this I flipped out. But I was at home on the computer and no one got to see my theatrics.
When I went to the Oncologist for my treatment I was given an Infusion at the clinic and pills that I took at home. I was on two different chemo-therapy drugs through out my whole treatment. That is right JUST TWO VERY TARGETED CHEMOTHERAPY DRUGS!
The point is, try not to be afraid. Medical advancements are being made all the time. Oncology trials are happening world wide and these trials are shared throughout the medical world. As a result, chemo-therapy is becoming more and more targeted to the exact type of cancer.
Per my own experience I had far less side effects compared to my daughter’s Leukemia treatment from fifteen years ago. In two years of treatment I only missed four days of work! I swear I am telling you the truth. Four days, that is all. Not bad. People miss more days from a bad cold.
When you get your diagnosis ask your Oncologist for the list of chemotherapy drugs you will be on. This way you can take the list and go to the pharmaceutical website for exact information on your cancer regimen. When I did this, the pharmaceutical website recommended drinking a minimum of sixty-four ounces of water a day, which I followed and it made a huge difference.
Do your own research, write down your questions and keep this paper in a safe place so that if you think of more questions you can add them to the list for your next appointment with your Oncologist. They are there to help you. The best way to get good help is to have exact information and data that you can give your doctor which will help them get a good picture of what is happening with you and how they can help.
This is how you gain control of your life and treatment. Additionally, any of my webpages that you want to use for your treatment must be printed out and brought to your oncologist for consultation. No matter what the Internet or alternative practitioners say, you should always consult with your Oncologist regarding any supplements or alternative you want to try. My Oncologist gave the okay for me to take basic vitamins in normal amounts every day and that is what I did during treatment. I never took mega dosages of anything during treatment because I did not want to counter act the death of cancer through chemo therapy!