Any diagnosis of cancer is a terrifying event for anyone to go through.  Every patient I have met tells me that their first question is “What could have caused this?” Here an attempt to answer this question with some key environmental and dietary factors that could have triggered or contributed to a state of disease. The most fundamental of these is radiation. Specifically ionizing radiation from nuclear power plants, nuclear storage facilities and radioactive particles that are now a part of our daily life.  Couple this with viruses, pollution, pesticides, synthetic hormones and growth hormones and we are now living in a modern-day-plague of disease.

For a quick understanding of radiation and it’s connection to cancer go to my webpage

With knowledge and use of it, you can protect yourself from further cancers.  I like stacking the cards of life in my favor.  Each attainment of information and healthy practices are a card in my favor.  I hope that you take on this point of view when you read this article.

Bovine Leukemia Study

This is about a study of a virus that infects cows.  It is called Bovine (cow) leukemia virus and is a bit shocking.

Gertrude Buehring , Ph.D., wanted to know if humans could be infected with Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV). Evidence was found of Bovine Leukemia Virus DNA in 9 out of 22 volunteers. We found evidence of BLV proteins in breast tissues from 8 of 26 patients. Antibodies to BLV were found in the serum of over half of the 100 human volunteers tested. These preliminary results suggest that humans may be infected with BLV. (Added emphasis is mine.) [1]

Another investigator, Robert Cohen has this to say about bovine Leukemia. “I knew that bovine leukemia is a problem, but I had no idea of the extent of that problem. According to the ad, 89% of the dairy herds in the United States have cows infected with leukemia.” Robert Cohen

Can you imagine my horror when I first learned of this?  My daughter was at the end of her 2 1/2 years of leukemia treatment when I read this information.  If a virus can mutate our genetic code does this mean that Bovine Leukemia Virus could cause leukemia or other cancers in people?  I shudder to think of this…

Here is a quote from Robert Cohen regarding Bovine Leukemia Virus; “If the bovine leukemia viruses causes human leukemia, we could expect the dairy states with known leukemic
herds to have a higher incidence of human leukemia.

Is this so? Unfortunately, it seems to be the case! Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin have statistically higher incidence of leukemia than the national average. In Russia and in Sweden, areas with uncontrolled bovine leukemia virus have been linked with increases in human leukemia. I am also told that veterinarians have higher rates of leukemia than the
general public. Dairy farmers have significantly elevated leukemia rates. Recent research shows lymphocytes from milk fed to neonatal mammals gains access to bodily tissues by passing directly through the intestinal wall. “

Viruses, Another cause of Mutation

Here is a simple explanation of viruses and how they work.

A virus is a small, infectious agent that is made up of a core of genetic material surrounded by a shell of protein. The genetic material (which is responsible for carrying forward hereditary traits from parent cells to offspring) may be either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). Viruses are at the borderline between living and nonliving matter. When they infect a host cell, they are able to carry on many life functions, such as metabolism and reproduction. But outside a host cell, they are as inactive as a grain of sand.

Viruses cause disease by infecting a host cell and taking over its biochemical functions. In order to produce new copies of itself, a virus must use the host cell’s reproductive “machinery.” The newly made viruses then leave the host cell, sometimes killing it in the process, and proceed to infect other cells within the organism.

Viruses can infect plants, bacteria, and animals. The tobacco mosaic virus, one of the most studied of all viruses, infects tobacco plants. Animal viruses cause a variety of diseases, including AIDS (acquired immuno deficiency syndrome), hepatitis, chicken pox, smallpox, polio, measles, rabies, the common cold, and some forms of cancer.

These quotes were taken from this website  if you go to the article below it is a list of cancers and diseases that are caused by specific viruses.
Before my own daughter’s diagnosis of leukemia I never gave much thought to viruses.  What is the point? Since we all get colds and flu, why would there be any concern?  Sincer this research our whole family stresses very good hygienic practices as well as easy measures to prevent any infections.  You may want to implement these for yourself now that you have some understanding of this subject.

Viruses attack cells in order to alter the DNA inside them. To do this, they bring closer certain parts of the DNA, then cut them and stick them back together differently, in such a way that the molecule of DNA is transformed into a knot. [2]

One doctor told me that the combination of viruses and environmental pollution is deadly, because they are both mutagens, i.e., cause changes to the DNA.

Synthetic Hormones in our Live Stock

I am sure you have heard about hormones in meat.  But did you think that these have been scientifically studied and linked to cancer?  Read on.

Estradiol (E2 or 17β-estradiol) (also oestradiol) is a sex hormone. Estradiol is the predominant sex hormone present in females. It is also present in males, and at a higher level because it is being constantly produced. In females it is only produced 3 out of 30 days of the cycle. It represents the major estrogen in humans.

Estradiol has not only a critical impact on reproductive and sexual functioning, but also affects other organs including the bones. [3]

Two scientists from the University of California Santa Barbara have researched two genes, BCL2 and P53, and their effect on female-specific cancers and prostate cancer.  Cells of breast, endometrium, ovary and prostate, were grown in the laboratory. Estrogen (estradiol) was added to the cells. This hormone turned on the BCL2 gene, causing the cells to grow rapidly and not die. [4]

Sixty-three percent of American beef is banned by Europe because of the industry’s traditional use of growth-promoting hormones, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS).

Dr. Hermenes told me that synthetic hormones are a problem because they disrupt endocrine receptors. Wikipedia has the best definition of endocrine disruptor as follows: Endocrine disruptors are exogenous (outside the body) substances that “interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis (normal cell metabolism), reproduction, development, and/or behavior.”  They are sometimes also referred to as hormonally active agents, endocrine disrupting chemicals, or endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs).

This subject is fraught with controversy as well as vested interests. The many conflicting studies reflect and suppress the truth. In my personal opinion synthetic compounds especially hormones should be avoided because they instigate growth while also cutting off communication between cells.  One theory states that we all have cancer cells in our bodies but our immune system is able to destroy them.  Would synthetic hormones stop this natural activity?  Seems very plausible based upon these quotes.

It is illegal to use hormones in any meat except beef. A healthy preventive step would be to purchase beef only if it is labeled with the statement that there are NO added hormones. When we go out to eat I never order beef because I know it is not organic, thereby I consider it unsafe to consume.

Growth Hormones

There is growing evidence of a connection between high milk consumption and breast and prostate cancer. Cow’s milk contains a substance called insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and people who regularly consume dairy products have higher IGF-I levels than those who don’t. A 1998 study in the prestigious journal Science showed that men who had the highest blood levels of IGF-I had more than four times the risk of prostate cancer compared to those with the lowest levels.[4] Elevated IGF-I levels are also linked, though less clearly, with breast cancer. [5]

Any mammal will produce increased levels of IGF-1 during lactation. It’s purpose is for rapid growth in offspring. This is why milk should be avoided because adults are getting too much IGF-1 through milk, including organic milk. For more information go to my article on this subject here

Here is another excerpt from Robert Cohen’s book that you will find quite startling.

“Yesterday, Saturday, I solved another mystery. One more demon flies out of this Pandora’s box of dairy industry secrets. I had written in my book, MILK–The Deadly Poison, of a day in Chicago in 1985 when milk was incorrectly pasteurized and 185,000 people got salmonella. Four of those trusting milk drinkers died. I wrote, “Nobody kept records of leukemia or tuberculosis deaths.” I was wrong. Yesterday a Chicago journalist, Barbara Mullarkey called. She had the records. She, presented the raw data. Numbers do not lie. The population of Illinois remained about the same from 1980 to 1990 while Chicago’s population decreased. It would be a natural assumption to expect that the number of leukemia and tuberculosis rates remained neutral or declined as a factor of the population statistics. Virgil Hulse, MD, had written in Mad Cows and Milk Gate that most of the dairy cows in America had bovine leukemia, bovine immunodeficiency virus or bovine tuberculosis. We drink body fluids from diseased animals in the name of good health.

What happened in Illinois? Leukemia deaths increased by ten percent and tuberculosis deaths increased by thirty percent!”

I challenge you to watch this author’s video about milk on You Tube. Here is the link

Pesticides and Cancer

*  In 1961, one in 20 women got breast cancer. In 1994, one in eight were diagnosed. In 2000,this statistic increased to one in five. The skyrocketing breast cancer rate is paralleled by rapid increases in a number of other cancers, including cancer of the testes, prostate, kidney, skin and lung, malignant myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and numerous childhood cancers (Greenpeace, 1993). There are increasing numbers of men being born with reproductive defects, including undersized genitalia, low testosterone and reduced sperm counts. [6]

 Two recent studies in the US implicate the pesticide DDT as a possible cause of breast cancer. Women in Connecticut and New York with breast cancer had higher levels of DDE (a metabolite of DDT) in their breast tissue(1) and blood (serum)(2) than women without the disease. In Helsinki, Finland, tissue from women with breast cancer (pooled samples) had higher levels of the pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH), but not DDE, compared to tissue from women without the disease(3). In Israel, the only country to report a decrease in the incidence of breast cancer, the authors postulate the lower rates were due to a banning of the heavily used pesticide, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH, BHC)(4). [7]

*  DDT was banned a long time ago but other countries are still using this chemical. With worldwide shipping of food one would be wise to purchase organic produce or try to supplement by growing your own.

*  “EPA sets tolerances for pesticides. A tolerance is the maximum amount of a specific pesticide or its break down products that is allowed to remain in or on foods. The tolerance is not an estimate of the residue amount that is common or typical for a food. Residue levels found in food are usually below the tolerance levels. Tolerances for a given pesticide may vary for different crops. EPA has set tolerances for about 400 different pesticides. Since a pesticide may be used on many different crops, there are about 9,700 tolerances in effect.” This was taken from a Cornel University article titled Pesticide Residue Monitoring and Food Safety. To see this article click on this link

It is staggering that there are about 9,700 tolerances in effect. Tolerance is a word that is misleading in this context because it does not take into account that these chemicals accumulate in the body. This term is called bioaccumulation.  What is our tolerance when we are taking in many chemicals with every meal year after year?  Who knows when bioaccumulation becomes toxic?  For each individual this would be different.  We are, in essence being bombarded by pesticides. Please, only use natural and safe pesticide methods in your home and yard and try to eat food that is organic!


Radiation is a “complete carcinogen” says Dr. Peter Montegue, in his 1997 5-part series, “The Truth About Breast Cancer.” M ontegue writes, “Very few things have the ability to initiate cancer AND promote it AND make it progress. Things that can do this are called “complete carcinogens.” By analyzing 50 years of U.S. National Cancer Institute data, Dr. Jay Gould, director of the Radiation and Public Health Project, Inc., says, “of the 3,000-odd counties in the United States, women living in about 1,300 nuclear counties (located within 100 miles of a reactor) are at the greatest risk of dying of breast cancer.” [8]

The above quote is quite shocking in that most people think that nuclear energy is “clean” energy. I too, thought the same way. This understanding is probably the biggest lie put out by companies that stand to make huge profits from this industry. I spoke to a woman who lives within 10 miles of a reactor. The numbers of people sick in her neighborhood are staggering. Do your own search, read all of the conflicting information. Just know that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission published that all reactors have to vent radioactive particles every day! These particles are poisons to all life forms! Here is the link toi the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, go to the third paragraph and you will see what I am talking about.

Remember the quote from the growth hormone sections above regarding milk and leukemia?  In case you don’t, here is the quote.  “What happened in Illinois? Leukemia deaths increased by ten percent and tuberculosis deaths increased by thirty percent!”  Well, here is a little known coincidental fact, Illinois also has the highest number of nuclear power plants in the nation!  Here is a link to a government chart that proves this statement.

Nitrates a Cancer Link

Consuming processed meats increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, says new research conducted at the University of Hawaii that followed nearly 200,000 men and women for seven years. According to lead study author Ute Nothlings, people who consumed the most processed meats (hot dogs and sausage) showed a 67% increased risk of pancreatic cancer over those who consumed little or no meat products. [9]

Nitrates were used for the preservation of meats, without them the meat, hot dogs and other stuff would be a grey color that no one would purchase.  Nitrates keep these meats nice with lots of fresh looking color.

Pancreatic cancer isn’t the only negative side effect of consuming processed meats such as hot dogs. Leukemia also skyrockets by 700% following the consumption of hot dogs. (Preston-Martin, S. et al. “N-nitroso compounds and childhood brain tumors: A case-control study.” Cancer Res. 1982; 42:5240-5.)

We do not use any meats that list nitrates as one of their ingredients.  I am just not willing to add to our toxic load on a daily or weekly basis.  Are you?

No one can fully predict what cancer will result from what chemical but one can know that nitrates have a proven link to cancer therefore they should be avoided.

Prevention and Health Preserving actions

* Try eliminating all dairy products from your diet for two months and see if the result is improved health. I have read four books from doctors and scientists claiming that milk, in any form, is dangerous to your health.

* Any beef purchased should only be hormone free. The price is high but your health is worth it.

* Increase your consumption of green vegetables and raw foods. Try to take in five different colored items a day. This sounds difficult but is not when you look at it this way; Apple (1) salad with tomatoes and carrots (3) Green beans and onions with dinner makes a total of 5. Make this a daily habit, you will see fast results.

* Women (who are not on treatment) should balance their hormones with Progest-E, which is a natural blend of progesterone developed by Dr. Ray Peat. For a complete article on this subject click on this link I use this formulation regularly and it has helped me immensely. My idea about this is that we are getting too much estradiol from the proteins that we eat therefore supplementation is required to counter this imbalance. This is especially true after menopause when cancer risk increases.

* Develop a hand washing routine. Every time you enter your home wash your hands. Before eating food wash your hands. After bathroom visits wash your hands. After touching money wash your hands. This may seem redundant, but I feel the need to really emphasize this point. Try to avoid touching your face with your hands unless they have been washed. Hand washing is a proven method to avoid illness.

* When purchasing bacon, sandwich meats and any cured meats, read your labels. If they contain nitrates do not buy them. It is the years of accumulation which presents a danger to your health. Another consideration is the innumerable chemicals we are already exposed to in daily life, without adding more through our diet.

* Do not eat packaged foods. In other words make your own soup stocks, and foods. Powdered products and prepared products are not good for your body because chemicals and preservatives are used to increase shelf life. Make your own food and you will see the difference in taste and long-term benefits.

* Start exercising five minutes a day. After several weeks increase by five minutes.  Oxygen is vital to life, exercise increases oxygen to all parts of our bodies.  Oxygen also kills germs – many bacteria cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

* Remove stress from your life. Any negative influences should be removed while focusing on anything positive. Watch comedies, take walks, surround yourself with an upbeat social network. Above all, take daily action to improve your health while going through treatment and continue these for the rest of your life.  Our bodies are under siege every day due to environmental poisons.  Every action you take lessens this physical burden.



1. Bovine leukemia virus and human breast cancer risk – University of California, Berkeley Gertrude Buehring , Ph.D. –

2. Knots, Viruses and DNA, U.C.N.W.,Bangor, 1996 – 2002

3. THE MEDICAL NEWS from News-Medical.Net – Latest Medical News and Research from Around the World Estradiol – What is Estradiol? Internet August 2010.

4. Estrogen, Progesteron And Breast Health Internet December 2010

5. Ibid.

6. J. L. Outwater, A. Nicholson and N. Barnard, “Dairy Products and Breast Cancer: The IGF-1, Estrogen, and bGH Hypothesis”, Medical Hypothesis, 48, 1997, pp. 453–61.

7. Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, and Radiation Cause Breast Cancer… While Wealthy Non-Profits and Feds Protect Industry, by Lynn Landes

8. Pesticides and Breast Cancer Dr. Marion Moses is the Director of the Pesticide Education Center, PO Box 420870, San Francisco, CA 94142- 0870, US, Tel. +1 415 391 8511.

9. Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, and Radiation Cause Breast Cancer… While Wealthy Non-Profits and Feds Protect Industry, by Lynn Landes