Surviving Stage IV Metastatic Prostate Cancer using Alternative Therapy



I was diagnosed with Stage IV Prostate Cancer and given a 36% chance of survival. Stage IV cancer (of any kind) is life threatening because this means the cancer has spread from its original site to other areas of the body. I was told there was no cure, that I would be on drugs the rest of my life and would never have a normal life again.

After a lot of research and careful study on my own, I chose treatments that reduced my cancer by 95% in less than seven weeks. I went from intense pain requiring heavy narcotic drugs to being pain-free and improving at an extremely rapid rate. I am sharing my story in the hope that my experience may help someone else. Whether you are ill or not, everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and I believe you will find the following information highly interesting.

The Beginning

When I was first diagnosed, my cancer had already spread into the bones of my back, rib, hip and other areas. A small tumor in my spine was pressing on a nerve, creating intense pain in my lower back and down my leg.

I was told that the standard medical treatment was either surgical castration or “chemical castration.” I could have my testicles removed or take a drug for the rest of my life that would have the same effect. My sex drive would disappear completely and never come back. Other side-effects from the drug include: hot flashes, enlarged breasts, loss of muscle fiber, increased fat, weakening of the bones and risk of fractures, diabetes, heart attack—just reading the side-effects is enough to give a person a heart attack!

I was also advised that at some point in the future (six months to a few years), the drug would not work anymore because my body would become immune to it and the cancer would grow again. Then I would have to look at other options such as chemotherapy but that wouldn’t “cure” my cancer either.

I was told things that didn’t make sense to me. One was that I must take the drug for the rest of my life but it would stop working before the rest of my life! The drug costs $3,750 per injection, almost four thousand dollars for one shot!

Another thing that didn’t make sense was the fact that scientists could put a man on the moon over 40 years ago, but no one knows what causes cancer?? This was unbelievable to me!

When you or a loved one gets cancer you want to do something about it—NOW! You want to get out of pain. I wanted that so badly. I was ready to do whatever the doctor said, but much of what I was told just didn’t make sense, so I felt trapped. I realized I had to know what was causing my cancer. But according to my oncologist the medical profession doesn’t know. I knew that without finding what caused my cancer, only the symptoms would be addressed and I’d never get to the bottom of it. I decided I needed to know a lot more about cancer.


I started researching everything I could find about my cancer and its possible treatments. I also got advice from many friends who were concerned about me. The best advice was to make my decisions based on statistics. Who was getting the best results in handling cancer? What treatments have the best results?

I did a lot of reading and research and there were two conflicting views that I kept running into: mainstream conventional treatment vs alternative treatment. I wasn’t looking for controversy, but that’s where my search took me. The more I researched, the more fascinating it became! I learned what I could about both.

To understand my cancer, I followed its development backwards from the effect through the process that created it, to its potential origins. My idea was if the cause was located it could be addressed and the effect of it terminated.

I found out that it takes a long time for cancer to show up in the body; it takes years. It’s interesting that over 10 years ago a doctor recommended that I have my prostate checked as she felt something abnormal there. At that time I was in great shape: running daily, doing well at work and very happy. So I did nothing, yet signs of cancer were present in my body years before my recent diagnoses.

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men in the United States (skin cancer is the most common). It is easily controlled if found early before it spreads outside the prostate. But a man can have prostate cancer for years and never have any symptoms, so it goes unnoticed. A doctor can check for abnormalities (hard or lumpy areas) with a simple rectal exam as the prostate is easily felt through the rectal wall. If any abnormality is found, a blood test called a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test can be done. An antigen is a toxin and a high PSA is commonly caused by inflammation of the prostate. A normal PSA range is 4 or below. When I was diagnosed my PSA was almost 300. Surely, early detection would have made a big difference.

In women, breast cancer is the leading cause of death between the ages of 35 and 54. My mother died of breast cancer when she was 50 years old. According to Rachel’s Environment and Health Weekly (No. 571): “More American women have died of breast cancer in two decades than all the Americans killed in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War combined.” Women should be checked for breast cancer but mammograms are more and more being recognized as unsafe. Many doctors are now warning that mammography increases the risk of breast cancer.

An effective alternative for breast cancer detection that can find early changes in breast tissue (up to eight years before a mammogram can) is “Infrared Thermal Imaging.” It is painless, non-invasive and FDA approved. A woman of any age can do it.

When you have cancer, a lot of information and advice come your way from doctors, friends and relatives. The huge volume of this well-intentioned information can be overwhelming. I found it vital to sort out the important from the unimportant. Also, “facts” have to be evaluated as they are not all necessarily true.

To stay positive and be able to make up one’s mind, a person has to chase down and challenge what doesn’t make sense. In other words, being positive includes being responsible for your decisions and the advice you follow. It’s a point of integrity. It takes work and a willingness to sort through the glut of information and find the pearls in the sea!

I was amazed to find out during my research that there are more sick people in the United States now than at any other time in history—not just in actual numbers but as a percentage of the population. One would think the opposite would be true because the medical and pharmaceutical industries have grown so large.

It’s not my intention to discredit medical practitioners, hospitals or institutions in any way. The truth is, I believe most individuals in the medical field genuinely intend to help people and eradicate disease. But statistical evidence shows that the “medical system” operates ineffectively, focused too much on illness rather than wellness. It has grown into a profit-driven machine which promotes many expensive and potentially dangerous medical procedures, drugs and treatments.

A fact that cannot be disputed is that chemotherapy and other toxic drugs damage the immune system, kidneys and liver. The white elephant in the living room that is so hard to see (because it’s so obvious) is this: Why are safer treatments not in wider use?

Dr. Ralph Moss may have answered this in his book The Cancer Industry:

“Even if you have the best doctors, their information about alternative cancer treatments is probably incorrect. Doctors are so busy that they must rely on summaries of medical research or testing. These summaries are usually prepared

by institutions that oppose alternative treatments.”

Author Paul Winter also writes:

“It is not likely that any doctor knowingly suppresses a cancer cure to protect their business or career. But every doctor has his or her own ideas about the best treatment based on what they have learned. The pharmaceutical companies however have an extremely strong influence over what medical doctors are taught. Doctors are too busy to dig into the statistics of cancer treatments, they assume that what they are taught at school or what is demonstrated in the pages of briefing journals is the best treatment. They cannot afford to suspect that these treatments are only the best for the pharmaceutical companies that influence their institutions of higher learning.”

When I discussed my alternative treatment plan with my oncologist, I discovered he never heard of them. He didn’t know cancer was being addressed with success in India over 170 years ago using hydrogen peroxide. He never studied cancer history, successful past treatments, or learned the key factors of nutrition. And yet, he’s a good guy who really wants to help me and believes he’s advising me correctly.

From everything I have studied, the book I found most helpful was Cancer, Why We’re Still Dying To Know The Truth by Phillip Day. This book is full of documented facts. The author says in his introduction: “My specialty is uncovering suppressed truths that have been withheld from the public, usually to serve the ends of some covert agenda….You are about to read a catalogue of the facts surrounding the historic search for the answer to cancer and the people involved in this plight. This book is a reporting of their words and of suppressed information in relation to the struggle to make the treatment and prevention of cancer known to all. Ultimately it must be left to you, the reader, to ponder on what you are about to learn and make your own determination on how best to proceed from this point forward.”

This advice made a lot of sense to me. I found the more I learned about my cancer, the less afraid I was. I just kept looking for answers.

Understanding What Cancer Is

Like me, you might wonder why your body would make cancer cells in the first place. What’s it’s purpose? What follows is my understanding based on my study and experiences. You don’t have to believe it, you should approach it the same way I did and make up your own mind.

Part of my cancer treatment is based on the work of Dr. John Beard, a Scottish embryologist from Edinburgh University. Embryology is the branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos (the first eight weeks after conception) and their development.

Dr. Beard observed that when an embryo is initially forming, a layer of tissue supplies the embryo with nourishment and then forms the placenta. He observed that these nourishing cells act in the same way cancer cells do. After implanting into the wall of the uterus, these cells form a mass and invade the lining of the uterus to make a space where the embryo will grow.

While this is occurring, the body’s immune system doesn’t reject these cells or even recognize them as something to be attacked. However, once these pregnancy cells have done their job, they are destroyed by enzymes secreted by the embryo’s newly formed pancreas—around two months into the pregnancy. If this didn’t occur, these cancer-like cells would continue out of control and cause trouble for the baby and the mother.

As a point of interest, part of my cancer treatment is the use of pancreatic enzymes to destroy cancer cells in my body without affecting the healthy cells. This is the same role these enzymes had when my body was two months old in mother’s womb. I find that fascinating!

I thought this information of cancer-like cells forming during pregnancy was incredible until I came across something else even more incredible! Healthy bodies make around 10,000 cancer cells every day which the immune system then engulfs and destroys. This is a daily standard action going on in the body.

I concluded that this daily growth and clean-up of cancer cells keep the immune system “on its toes” so that when a real emergency comes, it’s ready and can get the job done! In other words, the immune system “stays in shape” by getting rid of cancer cells daily.

I separately learned that cancer shows up in areas previously damaged or that are in a non-optimum condition health-wise. These non-optimum areas of the body are where cancer can start doing things on its own, uncoordinated with the rest of the body. It’s like in the movies when a government agent goes off on his own uncoordinated with other agents and becomes a “rogue agent.” Rogue means a person or thing that behaves in an unwanted or unpredictable way.

However, in the beginning cancer cells have a role as “healers” and are employed in the body to repair damaged sites! These special cells can transform themselves into any body-part: bone material, blood, tissue, etc. When the healing has completed, enzymes released by the pancreas eat away the protective cellular coating of the cancer cells. This enables the immune system to then kill them.

In the event the “healing process” does not terminate satisfactorily, the cancer cells keep growing. Dr. Beard published his findings in 1902 with the conclusion that “Cancer is a healing process that has not terminated upon completion of its task.” Why didn’t the immune system stop it? One possibility is a weakened immune system from poor diet, lack of essential nutrients, and insufficient enzyme production.

Some of the factors that may have started the “healing process” in the first place include things like an old injury that won’t heal, a benign (not cancerous) tumor or cyst that can develop into cancer, hormone imbalances, or tissue damage caused by yeasts, fungi and parasites.

In fact, I found that cancer patients commonly have parasite problems. Part of my own treatment is handling candida, a yeast-like parasitic fungus that contributed to my cancer. I was told I had candida 1 ½ years before my diagnosis but didn’t know then it had anything to do with cancer.

In summary, cancer cells are scattered throughout our bodies. They can be stimulated by environmental poisons, drugs, injuries, poor nutrition, etc. that start a “healing process” that can become a tumor. Additionally, all cancers make toxins that the body needs to eliminate. Detoxification and giving the body the nutrients needed to support an optimum immune system are part of the big picture of getting and staying healthy!

Symptoms of Parasitic Infections

As already noted, it is common for cancer patients to have parasitic infections. These infections can trigger a destructive “healing process.” No one needs “rogue agents” running around causing trouble, so here are the symptoms of parasitic infections to watch for:

Poor immune function (frequent illnesses), lack of sex drive, toe-nail fungus, chronic bloating and gas, rectal itching, mouth sores (white patches on the tongue or inside the cheeks), sexually transmitted diseases, tingling or numbness or burning sensations, chronic fatigue, allergies, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, infection of the mouth and throat with white patches (this fungus belongs to the candida family), chronic vaginal yeast infections and discharges (usually thick, white), rashes and itching around male genitalia, bladder infections, intestinal cramps, craving for sugar-rich foods and sweets, cravings for foods rich in yeast and carbohydrates.

If you know you have candida or any parasitic infection or fungus (symptoms above) you should not delay and look into it thoroughly yourself. What I’ve learned is that these parasitic infections thrive on certain foods that should be avoided for three to six months.

You should avoid all breads and its relatives like crackers, doughnuts, pies, muffins, cookies, cereals (hot or cold, sweetened or unsweetened), fast-food snacks (including potato chips, pretzels, etc.), white rice, potatoes, corn, pasta, most fruits (blueberries are okay), root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, dried beans, lentils and pinto beans, coffee and all caffeine containing beverages, fizzy canned drinks, alcohol in all forms, fruit juices, all junk food as they contain hidden sugars and other undesirable ingredients, cheeses or any cow-milk products (goat cheese and goat yoghurt are okay), soy products, processed meats (bacon, sausage, ham, salami, bologna, pastrami, hot dogs), mushrooms (they are a fungus), condiments (pickles, toppings and all store-bought sauces), fatty acids as contained in margarines and processed foods, saturated fats primarily from meat, dairy, and eggs, foods containing lactose, gluten or citric acid.

Stress and Cancer

Although cancer is a serious illness, studies show that worry and anxiety can make things worse. When stress is perceived by the body, whether real or imagined, the cells behave differently. Cells that are not under stress are “open” and are able to receive oxygen, absorb nutrients, get rid of waste products, etc. In short, they breath, metabolize and do everything healthy cells do. However, stress triggers a reaction at a cellular level and the cells “shut down” to protect themselves. They are then unable to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients to operate efficiently and are susceptible to disease.

Cancer and viruses thrive in low levels of oxygen like when the cells are shut down due to stress. This explains why one can get sick when under stress. If one has cancer or any illness, it is necessary to address the stress in one’s life because regardless of how good a treatment is, it will be less effective unless the stresses are handled.

Choosing my Doctor

The doctor I chose is knowledgeable in handling many types of common health problems brought about by poor diet, toxins and other stresses our bodies receive. He has had great results for many years addressing cancer, using effective and modern treatments that made sense to me. He gave me hope!

I was amazed at all the advanced technology he had available and his expertise on the subject of cancer. He also liaises with a top cancer nutritionist and together they make an incredible team. My cancer nutritionist has over 20 years experience with cancer patients all over the world. She also gives seminars to doctors who want training in her program. She only accepts stage IV cancer patients, like me. Before she would accept me, I had to read about her program. What she sent me blew me away and led me to other information that I was looking for.

My Treatments & Nutrition

Not long after I was diagnosed I decided to have some radiation treatment on my back to address the pain originating from a small tumor that was pushing on a nerve. While there is body damage done by radiation, I decided it was better to do this to get out of pain, and then build back the immune system afterwards. For me, it was a good decision.

Before I could start the rest of my treatments and nutritional program I had to deal with anything that could cut across its success. I got my root canal teeth removed and took a full battery of tests; blood work, urine, stool, saliva, etc.

A special note on root canals. This is just one of many things my doctor asked about, “Did I have any teeth that had root canals done on them?” I was thinking to myself, “What do my teeth have to do with cancer?!” He found two teeth with root canals. Root canal teeth have to be removed as they overwork the immune system by making it continuously clean up bacteria that gets generated around root canal teeth. It was still unreal to me that my teeth could be a factor, so I researched it myself and was amazed to find that root canal teeth really do contribute to cancer!

Dr. Thomas Rau, who has run a cancer clinic in Switzerland for many years, checked the records of 150 breast cancer patients and found 147 (98%) had one or more teeth with root canals on the same meridian or energy channel as the original breast cancer tumor. His clinic now has a dental section where all his patients have their mouths cleaned-up first and especially all root canal teeth removed.

At my doctor’s clinic I receive various intravenous treatments to detoxify my body and provide vital nutrients to support my immune system. My doctor checks on me frequently and we go over how it’s going, which is always great!

I have to tell you something about me—I hate needles. I don’t care if it “doesn’t hurt” or “it’s just a little pinch,” I HATE NEEDLES! So getting needles every day for months was really difficult for me. But the understanding and care I got was beyond my expectations.

My doctor recommended that in order to make the daily IVs easier, I should have what is called a “vein port” surgically installed. A small incision was made just below my collar bone, a port for needles was installed and the skin closed back up. The port has a small tube that is connected to a large vein in the area. Whatever normally would be done through a needle into a vein in the arm, is now done through my port. It still takes a needle to connect to it, but it’s so much easier than finding a vein in my arm. It also leaves my hands free to read or eat.

The nutrients I receive are natural (as opposed to synthetic drugs) and directly heal my body’s structure, including the intestinal and digestive systems. They improve metabolism and replenish my body with nutrients that are the building blocks that lead to optimum health. These nutrients go directly to the cells and leave me feeling energized!

The following is what I receive.

High Dose Vitamin C

It boosts the immune system, is an antioxidant and detoxifies. Antioxidants remove damaging oxidizing agents. Twice a week I get 100 grams of high quality vitamin C. It takes about 2 hours for a full bag of vitamin C to empty into my blood system. I really feel the difference!

Major Autohemotherapy

This is another powerful treatment given twice a week. Blood is removed into a bag and treated with ozone (a gas) which increases the oxygen level of the blood. This enriched blood is put back into my system. Cancer can’t live in an oxygen environment. This treatment also stimulates the immune system, causes the cells to use oxygen more efficiently, improves overall circulation, and is an anti-inflammatory.

Myers’ Cocktail

This is an intravenous solution developed by Dr. Myers over 50 years ago. It consists of C and B vitamins and minerals that greatly boost the immune system.


Once a week I get a silver solution that kills bad bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites while also giving a big boost to the immune system.


This helps the liver detoxify and I get it a few times a week. It is a very potent antioxidant which boosts the immune system, repairs body damage caused by stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet, aging, injury, trauma, etc. It generally keeps the cells running smoothly.

Auto-immune Disease Treatment

Auto-immune disease occurs when the immune system of the body, which normally protects us from disease and infection, literally attacks its own cells creating problems for them. This may involve individual organs, nerves, muscles, glands or the digestive system itself. There are more than 80 types of auto-immune diseases. I received shots of my own blood mixed with an individualized formula. This procedure “re-programmed” my immune system to work for me instead of against me.


This is a protein that activates the immune system to fight disease; I get a shot twice a week of this powerful nutrient. As stated earlier, the body makes around 10,000 cells per day that mutate into malignant cancerous cells. GcMAF activates the immune system to eat and engulf these cells. When the body is not making enough of its own GcMAF, you can inject it into the body to “kick start” the immune system.

Pulsed Energy Therapy

This treatment is done on a special machine—no needles! When the cells of the body are injured due to trauma or too many toxins, they tend to lose their ability to generate proper energy levels to maintain good health. When this occurs they swell up and heal slowly or not at all. The effect is chronic pain or even poor bone healing.

Using a high tech machine that gives off pulses of magnetic energy, the cells can be pumped up so they heal much faster. Soreness just disappears while blood circulation increases, oxygen supply to the tissue increases, and overall metabolism (the breakdown of nutrients to support body functions) is greatly enhanced. All diseases trace back to problems with the metabolic and circulatory systems. Since this treatment addresses both, it is very effective for a number of unwanted body conditions.

My Nutrition/Detoxification Program

A dentist by the name of Dr. William Donald Kelly became famous in the 1960s. After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer himself (which most people die from in a few months), Dr. Kelly saved his own life and went on to help many others recover from cancer. Utilizing Dr. Beard’s discovery about “pancreatic enzymes,” Dr. Kelly perfected their use and soon had the world beating a path to his door. My nutritionist personally studied under him and uses his method.

From my initial test results and a two-hour interview, my nutritionist created a personalized 87-page program of what I was supposed to do. I was amazed by all the detailed actions and equipment required! It took a lot of discipline to get it going, but everything I had to do was detailed in my program. I just followed the instructions. It included:

Coffee Enemas

I had thought this was some crazy fad but I was wrong. The enema is one of the oldest medical procedures in existence still in use today. An enema is “a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or administering drugs or food.” The purpose of a coffee enema is to stimulate the liver and gall bladder to release stored toxins and wastes.

At the time I started the enemas I was on two heavy pain killers, one was a very powerful narcotic made from opium. The coffee enemas reduced the pain and helped get rid of the parasites. I felt a noticeable increase in energy due to the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream.

Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse

From the scans done on my body, my nutritionist saw there were “cysts” in my liver, which are manifestations of “candida,” a parasitic fungus mentioned earlier. Before I could take any of the nutritional supplements, I had to do a “liver flush” to get my digestion system working properly. A “liver flush” is a procedure using lemons, apple cider vinegar and epsom salts to clean the liver.

Shower Water Filter

I got a special shower head to filter chlorine and other chemicals out of the water and prevent these toxins from being absorbed through my skin. Where I live, one drinks bottled water as the tap water isn’t clean enough to drink. My nutritionist commented “If the water is not okay to drink, why would you shower in it?” That made sense. These shower heads can be bought for about $50 dollars on the internet (look up “Sprite Shower Filters”).

Cell Phone Radiation Blocker

I had to get a radiation-blocking case for my cell phone. Under the direction of my nutritionist, I purchased one from a company called “Pong” (on the internet). When I called them, I found out that every cell phone company must state in their contract that there’s a risk due to harmful radiation exposure. Radiation exposure occurs whether one is using his phone or not. It specifically states in each contract that the phone should not be brought closer to your body than 3-4 inches! However, one doesn’t see the contract unless it’s specifically asked for. One of the places cancer showed up in my body was on my right hip, exactly where I was carrying my cell phone for years!

Sauna Kit

Another piece of equipment needed was a portable infrared sauna kit. This infrared light (three bulbs) when sat in front of actually decongests the internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas. It moves blood throughout the body so one gets more cancer-fighting nutrients to the cancer areas.

Pancreatic Enzymes

I take about 140 pills or capsules per day. About half of them are pancreatic enzymes. As mentioned earlier as to their importance, these cancer-fighting agents travel throughout my blood stream to the site of any cancer. They digest the resistive protein shell of a cancer cell or tumor mass and destroy it without harming the body’s healthy tissue.

Protein Supplement

Protein deficiency can lead to trouble with hormones and the immune system. This increases the risk of disease including cancer as in my case. I take 30 amino acid protein pills per day called MAP (Master Amino Acid Pattern). This is an amazing product and is an important part of my program.

Almost everyone is protein deficient without knowing it. I was, and it showed up in my tests, yet I thought I was eating plenty of protein. However, good quality protein as in eggs, meat, fish and nuts never gets absorbed sufficiently to be used by the body and much of it is wasted. The “MAP” protein supplement is 99% absorbed and utilized by the body, no other form of protein comes close (eggs for example are less than 50%).


This is another key thing I do as part of my cancer treatment—exercise. Exercise in the sun is important as it helps the immune system to wake up. Even “terminal” cancer patients are advised to get out and exercise. It may be the opposite of what one would think, but research shows that those who exercise and change their diets have a much higher survival rate.

Cancer bodies are oxygen-poor bodies so a good exercise program is vital for oxygenation. Walking is not the degree of exercise required. Cycling, stair climbing are more along the lines of what is needed—it’s got to make you breathe heavier. Obviously, your physical condition determines how much exercise you can take. You need to use judgment and take it on a comfortable gradient. Once I felt better and was out of pain I started exercising and worked up to where I could go on a bike ride for 40-60 minutes. I exercise a minimum of 40-60 minutes per day; it really makes that much difference.

Foods I Can Eat

The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” isn’t an absolute. I can’t eat any apples or any fruit (except blueberries). I’m sure I will eat an apple again in the future, but not now. Most fruit has too much sugar (fructose), the stuff parasites (and cancer) love.

There are many views on what diet one should eat to stay healthy, but one needs to take his existing body condition into consideration to determine what is needed for optimum health. For people with candida, parasites, or fungus, you want foods with the lowest possible sugar and yeast content. Here’s a list of the best foods for someone who has cancer or is handling candida, but they are good for everyone:

Alfalfa sprouts, bean sprouts, bell and sweet peppers, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, fennel, garlic, green beans, greens, hot chili peppers, kale, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsley, radishes, spinach, yellow beans, any natural herbs and spices to flavor food, olive oil, coconut oil, raw almonds, sunflower seeds, and unprocessed coconut milk. All foods should be organic.

The Future

Although I’ve made great progress, I will still have to monitor my condition for the rest of my life. I honestly don’t know what will happen with my cancer down the road. However, I’ve had my “wake-up call” and I will continue to be alert and attentive from here on out in regards to my health. However, I will not lose sight of my goals and purposes. I assure you, I have bigger and better games to play than taking care of my body!

I would like to leave you with the following which sums-up my message:

My attitude and how I think about things has the biggest influence on my progress—stay positive! Make your own decisions based on common sense and what is real to you. Fight back against any barrier but don’t worry or get serious about it. Find a way to enjoy each moment as best you can, no matter what’s going on, good or bad. Life is a game. Create it. Make it fun!

I wish you success.

Micah Sottle

Note:  I know Micah personally. He’s been back at work for many months, is doing very well and in great physical shape.  Personally I wanted his story for this website because when you are told that your condition is terminal there does not seem to be too many options available.  Obviously he did his homework and found solutions for his situation. You can too.
