When I was growing up I cannot remember hearing the C word. We all heard of measles, mumps, chicken pox and the like but never cancer. When I researched the general subject of cancer and also spoke to a doctor friend, I came to the ugly conclusion that cancer is now a 21st century plague. Plague you say? Yep, plague! This word is not used lightly.
Look at these two maps and see what you think. Look at the numbers in the columns and compare them.
Cancer map 1950 -1954
These maps are shocking in the rise of cancer from 1950 to 1994. What changed? We became the nuclear age. With complete disregard of the proven dangers to our health, this industry moved forward and built 104 nuclear reactor sites (each site has a minimum of two stacks sometimes three or four) while also bomb testing nuclear bombs in the United States. Other countries joined in on this madness. Poisoning us and this planet.
Reference Books
Here is a list of books with complete references and evidence proving these statements.
THE ENEMY WITHIN The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors, Breast Cancer, Aids, Low Birthweights, and Other Radiation Induced Immune Deficiency Effects by Jay M. Gould.
DEADLY DECEIT Low Level Radiation High Level Cover – Up by Jay M. Gould and Benjamin A. Goldman
ATOMIC HARVEST Hanford and the Lethal Toll of America’s Nuclear Arsenal by Michael D’Antonio
1970 – 1994
A friend composed this second map for me. The original map is a standard government map recording cancer statistics between 1970 and 1994. The added blue circles are nuclear reactor facilities. Notice how the most dense cancer incidence is on the east coast where the number of reactors is the highest.
In california there are many test reactors and of course in Northern California is a military test facility for armaments. Interesting that the northern area of the state is so red due to the high incidence of cancer.
It is predicted that one out of three will be diagnosed with cancer in their life time. 1 out of 3! If that is not a modern day plague I do not know what is.
The radiation that comes out of nuclear reactors is composed of tiny particles that we cannot see. These particles are released from the nuclear power stacks because this is legally allowed and they have to be vented. Since these particles were produced by the splitting of atoms, they are physically changed because they have been heated and given a ceramic shield so-to-speak. This particle has a particular quality in that it releases energy, perpetually. There are over fourteen hundred radioactive particles all having different names. All you need to know is that many of them take hundreds of thousands of years to stop polluting our environment. When they fly around they can pass through your body at such amazing speeds that nothing is felt. But they leave in their wake cells that have been energized in your body, which now sets the stage for disease. This is the bullet version of this subject. If you read some of the books listed you will gain a full understanding of radiation and its effects life.
It should also be noted that every single scientists who has tried to come out and warn the public has had their reputation and work ruined. This pattern of attacking scientists has gone on since 1945 when the original inventors of atomic energy had second thoughts with their terrible invention.
Dr. Rosalie Bertell
The video below is of Dr. Rosalie Bertell explaining some facts about radiation and its use in the military. You should know that Dr. Bertell is considered one of the world authorities on radiation. She has been a consultant for the Nuclear Regulatory Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency. She also happens to be a nun and one site refers to her as the anti-nuclear nun. The video shown here is one of the first I watched in my radiation research.
This lady has been fighting the nuclear industry for many decades.
My Theory
Based upon my reading of the books listed in this article. I have come to a radical conclusion. The first fact is that ionizing radiation causes mutation. It is not eating red meat, hamburgers, wearing perfume, drinking alcohol, eating bad food, pesticides, or any of the other huge list of items said to cause cancer. Radiation has been used prolifically on this planet since August 1945 when we dropped the bombs on Japan. Since that time many scientific papers have been published proving the harm this industry causes and radiation’s mutagenic effect. The scientist H.J. Meuller proved in 1927 that radiation is THE most powerful mutagen on our planet. Cancer is caused by a cellular mutation. The ONLY answer I have found is that radioactive particles set the stage for the inceptions of cancer and other diseases because of the powerful changes in our genetic blueprint caused by radiation particles passing through the body.
Since our bodies are already stressed by radioactive particles floating by all the time, we add insult to injury with added pesticides, chemicals, growth hormones, synthetic hormones and pollution in general. These all stressing our bodies on a cellular level. All life begins on a cellular level. Therefore, it is my belief that we now need to supplement our daily diet with vitamins to help the body function properly despite this daily onslaught.
I know that this is shocking information. I cried for three days when I read the book Killing Our Own. All I could see in my minds eye were all the sick patients at hospitals through out this country. It made me so mad. This industry has created false information since day one to confuse the public with the belief that nuclear energy is safe and clean energy. Sorry folks it’s not!
Tips on Preventing Exposure to Radiation and General Health Strategies
After scans using radioactive dye drink several glasses of cola that contains phosphoric acid to encourage the body to exchange the radioactive phosphates for the non-radioactive phosphates in cola. This tip is taken from the book Your Life In Your Hands by Jane A. Plant, PH.D.
Some doctors are recommending limiting the number of scans allowed for patients. It is a known fact that CT scans are heavydoses of radiation. Keep track of the number of scans you have received and if at all possible avoid using this technology. After scans follow the tip above to help the body get rid of the radiation.
Avoid beef as it is the only meat legally allowed to use synthetic hormones. If you want beef then only purchase grass fed, hormone free beef. Poultry, pork and fish do not have added hormones. Synthetic hormones + radiation = sickness.
Try to consume green leafy vegetables everyday. Consume several raw snacks every day such as apples, other fruits and good quality nuts.
Avoid all forms of dairy due to the natural growth hormones and added hormones. This statement is fully explained in my article on Cancer and Growth Hormones at http://www.freehelpforcancer.com/cancers/growth-hormones-and-cancers
Try to use natural products to clean your home and body. Vinegar and baking soda are excellent cleaners.
Use your cell phone in speaker mode to avoid holding the phone against your head. This is another known source of radiation and particularly harmful to children.
Learn how to make Japanese Miso soup. Seaweed is known to bind with heavy metals and radiation is tiny metallic particles that are energized. Injesting seaweed helps the body elliminate them these particles because the seaweed attracts and attaches to the metals and then these are elliminated. This soup takes five minutes to make and is delicious.
Stop using dangerous pesticides in your home and find other natural alternatives. As stated in this article our toxic overload has reached a new thresh-hold for creating disease.
Devote time in furthering your education about food and health. We are now in a time in history where this knowledge is crucial to your survival.
Read food labels and do not buy food products that contain chemicals. Actually it is far safer to buy unprocessed foods in general. Make your own soups, stews and other foods with out buying prepackaged ingredients.
If you are not on treatment get onto a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral to help the body maintain health.
Best Wishes,